Capital Condensed

'The book is a triumph, recommended for anyone new to Marx or not so new, who wants a concentrated summary of Marx’s argument.'
Bill Jefferies in Marx and Philosophy

'Colin Chalmers has written a clear, easy to read, short version of the three volumes of Capital. I think it is a good educator for activists who are not familiar with economics – something that is very difficult to achieve.'
Michael Roberts, author of Marx 200 – a review of Marx’s economics 200 years after his birth and the Michael Roberts Blog

'Perfect for anyone Marx-curious in your life!'
Jamila Squire, co-editor of A Thousand Little Machines

Capital Condensed is a short, step-by-step guide to Capital for the time poor activist, curious student or general reader. If you want to understand Marx’s 18 part investigation into how capital has grown to dominate our planet and must be overthrown for humanity to survive then this is the book for you.

CONTENTS Introduction • 1 Commodities and money • 2 Capital and labour power • 3 Exploitation • 4 Productivity • 5 Subsumption • 6 Wages • 7 Accumulation • 8 Origins • 9 Circulation • 10 Turnover time • 11 Reproduction • 12 Profit • 13 Competition • 14 The falling rate of profit • 15 Commerce • 16 Interest and fictitious capital • 17 Rent • 18 Appearance and reality • Want to discuss Capital? • Categories • References


Colin Chalmers wrote for the anti-capitalist direct action newsletter SchNEWS. You can get in touch with Colin at or through Facebook.

Capital Condensed is available as an audiobook from Audible, Amazon and Apple Books. To accompany the audiobook here are a list of the categories used in the book with their meanings, the quotes from Marx’s Capital used in the book, some circuits and equations used in the book and references.

You can order Capital Condensed from any bookshop

Capital Condensed is published by Beachy Head Press